Ground glass opacities (GGO) merupakan suatu gambaran radiologis  non spesifik pada CT-scan toraks dengan berbagai macam etiologi, mulai dari inflamasi, infeksi, edema paru, perdarahan, penyakit interstisial paru hingga keganasan. Saat ini diketahui bahwa GGO juga dapat terdeteksi pada CT-scan toraks pasien-pasien dengan COVID 19. Temuan CT-scan toraks tipikal infeksi pneumonia COVID-19 berupa GGO yang dominan bilateral, lobus bawah dan perifer. Seringkali kemunculan gambaran GGO pada CT-scan toraks dikorelasikan dengan adanya infeksi COVID-19, padahal GGO bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai macam penyakit. Selain itu, probabilitas bahwa gambaran CT-scan toraks menunjukkan COVID-19, sangat tergantung pada probabilitas  pra-tes infeksi, yang akhirnya ditentukan oleh prevalensi infeksi komunitas. Oleh, karena beragamnya diagnosis banding GGO, perlu pemahaman mengenai etiopatogenesis, penilaian morfologi dan, distribusi GGO. Meskipun diagnosis pasti tidak bisa dibuat hanya berdasarkan pencitraan saja (CT-scan toraks), kombinasi klinis dan pencitraan secara substansial meningkatkan akurasi diagnosis.

Kata kunci: Ground glass opacities, CT-scan toraks, COVID-19



Ground glass opacities (GGO) are non-specific radiological features in the lung parenchyma on chest CT with various etiologies, ranging from inflammation, infection, pulmonary edema, pulmonary hemorrhage, interstitial lung diseases to malignancy. It is currently known that GGO can also be detected on chest CT of patients with COVID 19. Imaging finding in COVID-19 pneumonia are predominantly bilateral, basal and peripheral GGO. Ground glass opacities on chest CT are correlated with the presence of COVID-19 infection, even though GGO can be caused by various diseases. In addition, the probability that the chest CT shows COVID-19, highly depends on the pre-test probability of infection, which is ultimately determined by the prevalence of community infection. Because GGO have wide and varied differential diagnoses, it is necessary to understand the etiopathogenesis, morphological criteria, and distribution of GGO. Although a definite diagnosis cannot be determined by imaging alone (chest CT), the combination of clinical and imaging substantially increases the accurate diagnosis.

Key words: Ground glass opacities, chest CT, COVID-19

Published: 2021-06-15