Amin LZ1, Nasution SA2, Panggabean M2, Shatri H3
1Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI/RSCM
2Divisi Kardiologi, Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI/RSCM 3Divisi Psikosomatik, Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI/RSCM
Background: Mortality and major adverse cardiovascular effect (MACE) was a frequent post-PCI complication. Risk stratification by clinical scoring system could predict those complications. New Mayo Clinic Risk Score (NMCRS), which used easy to collect seven variables from medical record, had a good performance for predicting post PCI complication. No study has been done regarding mortality and MACE outcome in relation to NMCRS characteristics of post PCI patients at ICCU RSCM.
Objective: To obtain mortality and MACE incidence according to NMCRS characteristics of post PCI patients at ICCU RSCM.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted to evaluate 313 post PCI patients in ICCU RSCM between August 1st 2013 and August 31 2014. Seven variables were collected from patients’ medical records and NMCRS results for each risk category were determined.
Results: Post-PCI inhospital mortality incidence was 3,8% (CI 95% 2,6-5) and post-PCI inhospital MACE incidence was 8,3% (CI 95% 6,6-10). Older patients, patients with low left ventricular ejection fraction, elevated serum creatinine level,and patient suffering from pre-procedure cardiogenic shock, myocardial infarct, or peripheral arterial disease had a higher post-PCI mortality and MACE incidence. Results of NMCRS regarding mortality risk showed very low risk in 167 patients (53%), low risk 60 (19%), moderate risk 47 (15%), high risk 10 (3%), and very high risk 29 9%). Mortality incicence in very low risk category was 2 (1,2%), low risk 0, moderate risk 2 (4,25%), high risk 1 (10%), and very high risk 7 (24,13%). Results of NMCRS regarding MACE risk showed very low risk in 101 patients (32%), low risk 128 (41%), moderate 52 (17%), high risk 16 (5%) very high risk 16 (5%). MACE incidence in very low risk was 4 (3,96%), low risk 7 (5,46%), moderate risk 4 (7,69%), high risk 5 (31,25%), and very high risk 6 (37,5%).
Conclusion: Inhospital mortality incidence after PCI was 3,8% (CI 95% 2,6-5) and inhospital MACE incidence after PCI was 8,3% (CI 95% 6,6-10). The increase of NMCRS score was also followed with the increase of mortality and MACE incidence after PCI.
Keywords :, characteristic, mortality, major adverse cardiovascular effect, new mayo clinic risk score, post-PCI.