Zen Ahmad1, Diah Syafriani2, Merianson2
1Sub Bagian Pulmonologi FK UNSRI/RSMH-Palembang
2 PPDS SP2 IPD Bidang Ilmu Pulmonologi FK UNSRI/RSMH-Palembang
Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB) is tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that resistant to rifampicin and isoniazid. The diagnosis of MDR TB is made based on clinical symptoms, physical examination, radiologic finding, acid fast bacilli examination, and TB culture. It is a case about female, 36 years old, diagnosed with MDR TB who underwent intensive phase and had sputum conversion. However, after underwent the continuation phase, the sputum examination showed reversion. The point of this case is the importance to decide whether continue or discontinue the treatment of MDR TB, because the treatment was considered to be failed
Keywords: Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, conversion, reversion