Herikurniawan, Anna Uyainah ZN
Divisi Respirologi dan Perawatan Penyakit Kritis, Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia-RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
Background: Heat stroke is an emergency condition that become one of the main cause of morbidity and mortality during pilgrimage in the summer. Old age, comorbid diseases, high temperature (>45oC), and heavy physical activity are the risk factors for heat stroke. Heat stroke can be prevented by awareness of early sign and symptom, people who has susceptibility, and the predisposition situation.
Method: This study was a cross sectional study with consecutive sampling method among Indonesian hajj pilgrims in 2016 who got heat stroke in Arafah and Mina. Diagnosis of heat stroke and heat exhaustion was made based on: 1. fever/hyperpirexia 2. pale skin/dry skin 3. decrease of consciousness/confusion, and 4. no sign of infection Results: There were 41 Indonesian hajj pilgrims had heat stroke, consists of 16 persons had heat stroke and the rest had heat exhaustion. The majority of subjects were males (63,4%). Most of subjects were > 70 years old (29,3%) There were 14,6% subjcts that had diabetes mellitus and 12,2% had hypertension. There were 78% heat stroke condition occured in Arafah and 22% occured in Mina.There were 68,5% subjects that recovered, and 29,3% got hospitalizad. Conclusion: Most of heat stroke victim was above 70 years old. Major comorbid were diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Most of heat stroke condition occured in Arafah.
Keywords: heat stroke, heat exhaustion, Indonesian hajj pilgrims

Published: 2016-08-04