Telly Kamelia
Divisi Respirologi dan Perawatan Penyakit Kritis, Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta
Liver abscess is an inflammatory lesions of the liver that can spread into the pleural cavity resulting in empyema and lung abscess. One of the causes of spread to the pleural cavity is due to hepatopleura fistulas. In this case, a man, 43 years old, came with complaints of shortness of breath that became heavier since one week ago, accompanied by upper abdominal pain, bleeding cough one time, stomach felt enlarged, and history of smoking, promiscuity, and drinking alcohol. On physical examination, it was found the right lung left behind during inspiration, vocal fremitus decreased, dull percussion, and vesicular sounds decreased in the right lung field and hepatomegaly. IDT amoeba was 1,92 and pleural fluid examination showed an exudate. Massive pleural effusion was found on chest X-ray. In hepatology ultrasound was found liver abscess, hepatomegaly, and right pleural effusion. In thoracic ultrasound examination obtained the right loculated pleural effusion. Thoracic CT scan with contrast showed cavity with air-fluid level in the right hemithorax and hepatic lesions in 4th,5th segments. The results of the liver abscess fluid analysis obtained microbiological examination did not find germs, acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear was negative, culture examination is not find microorganisms and anaerobes, pathological examination showed colored brown viscous fluid, and microscopic examination obtained the necrotic mass and fibrous connective tissue.
Key words : liver abscess, empyema, lung abscess, hepatopleural fistula

Published: 2016-08-04