Tri Hapsoro Guno1, Telly Kamelia 2, Suharko Soebardi3, Arif Mansjoer4
1. Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia-RSUPN CiptoMangunkusumo
2. Division of Respirology and Critical Illness, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Indonesia-RSUPN CiptoMangunkusumo
3. Division of Metabolic Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Indonesia-RSUPN CiptoMangunkusumo
4. Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Indonesia-RSUPN CiptoMangunkusumo
Background : The treatment of lung tuberculosis in patient with diabetes mellitus comorbidity is still a major problem because of high incidence rate, unfavourable outcome and failure. In indonesia, there is no specific study about outcome, characteristics and profile patient with this unfavourable outcome.
Objectives : To identify the treatment outcome, patient characteristic and patient profile for unfavourable outcome.
Methods : This is a retrospective cohort study, analyzing medical record of lung tuberculosis patient with diabetes mellitus comorbidity that treated in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from January 2013 to December 2018. Unfavourable outcome as defined by Tb-DOTS national program consist of subject with failure to treat, death, loss to follow up and transferred out without known of final results. Result : A total of 141 subject enrolled in this study, with median age of subject was 57 years (range 28 to 79 years) and majority subject is male (56.03%), Tb relapse found in 24.11% subject. Outcome of Tb treatment based on National Program was treatment complete in 51.77%, Cure in 1.42%, loss to follow up in 31.91%, transferred out in 14%, and died in 7% subjects. Unfavourable outcome found in 46.81% subject, with majority found in male subject, married, working subject, actively smoking, subject with previous Tb treatment, non-adherence, previously known diabetes, underweight or normoweight subject, reduce eGFR below 60 ml/min/1.73m2, subject with insulin therapy on intensive phase, and poorly controlled diabetes.
Conclusion : Unfavourable outcome found in 46,81% subject, will loss to follow up was the highest composition (31.91%)
Keywords: Tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis-diabetes mellitus comorbidity, unfavourable outcomes.